
MOTHERLAND is created by husband and wife couple, Sarah and Nabil. The brand is rooted in the common story of immigrant Pakistani parents who birthed and raised their children in America.
Sarah and Nabil were able to create a meaningful connection to their Pakistani background because their parents brought their rich culture with them to America and celebrated it in their family.
Together, after the birth of their first child, Nassir, Sarah and Nabil created this brand driven by a desire to carry on the value, traditions, importance of holding the history, language, and culture of Pakistan at the core of their new family's identity.
While they are raising their first child, they came to the realization that unlike their own immigrant parents, Nassir will come from parents that were both born and raised in America, and the Pakistani-American identity fades through the new generations that are born here.
Sarah and Nabil's goal is to share this passion and mission to perserve their heritage with Pakistani-Americans alike with their personal touch on products that are designed or curated in representation of Pakistan.
We can not lose where we come from and who we are.